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Watch The Great Gatsby Online Hulu

Still, as a source of a vast supply of films ready to play online at the touch of a button, it's hard to beat Netflix. There are Netflix new releases on the service weekly. Although affordable, streaming movies via Netflix is not free. A monthly fee gets subscribers access to the company's catalog of online movies available for streaming, and an additional fee grants access to a broader catalog DVD movies that are available via mail order. The good news is that the single monthly fee buys unlimited streaming, so subscribers can watch as many movies as they want, as often as they want, without having to worry about usage limits or extra charges.

Netflix is also extremely flexible in terms of its viewing options on devices other than computers, their movie list is always available anywhere. Dedicated apps allow subscribers to watch movies on their smart phones and tablets, and many options, including internet- connected Blu- ray players and set- top boxes, allow viewing of Netflix movies on televisions.